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Exfoliation and applications of 2D materials


Jonathan Nesbitt Coleman

Chemical Physics, School of Physics and Principle Investigator, CRANN Institute and AMBER Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


Nov 30 at 18pm Beijing Time

Tencent Meeting ID: 678 605 832


While graphene and related 2D materials are extremely exciting due to their novel properties and applications potential, producing them in large quantities and processing them into functional structures was initially a challenge. However, solution processability has been achieved via the discovery of liquid phase exfoliation (LPE), a method for converting layered materials to nanosheets in liquids in a scalable way. This method yields printable inks which can be patterned into functional structures for a range of applications. This talk will describe the advent and development of LPE as well as processing and printing of nanosheets and the electronic and electrochemical applications of printed nanosheet networks and composites.

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